It’s amazing what we can do when we come together.

“Life is a series of choices we make with what we believe to be our guiding principles, our life mission. The ultimate purpose of having a personal mission statement is not just to have a statement. It is to consider your life, how you want to live it, what choices you will make, what goals you will set and what effect you will have on the world around you.” – Author Unknown

Thank you for taking the time to visit our webpage.  I would love to hear your thoughts about what inspires you!


To whom much is given, much is expected -

Remember who we are and what God expects of us and our country!




To Remember - the history of our country, what our forefathers fought and died for, the beliefs and hopes of the founding fathers, that God is our strength. To stand tall and share our love of God and Country.

Put Christ in the Center

Mission + Vision

In the Beginning – One Nations Creations was a thought which developed on a road trip with my husband and five children, out of a desire to promote the greatest gifts in our lives - our God and our Country.  You see many car stickers on a road trip. I wanted something simple and to the point.


Development – Designs were sketched with paper and colored pencils.  My children submitted their ideas too.


In the End – The symbol of the cross, representing Christ who looks over us, guides us and protects us - was placed on the flag, the symbol of our country. It is surrounded by, "One Nation Under God" - words so deep and rich in meaning, which we pledge as citizens of this country.


And Beyond- I hope to provide a variety of affordable products for those of us who are ready to stand tall for what we believe in.

our history

One Nation Creations' Mission